e2 studio 2024-04 Release Note e2 studio 2024-04 Known Issues List

List generated on 18 April, 2024 23:47

Open Issues
Closed Issues

Open Issues in e2 studio 2024-04

Key Summary Component Description
IDE-76039 Cannot debug after stopping and restarting at a hardware breakpoint over limit ARM GDB While debugging, if hardware breakpoints are set over the limited number of the breakpoints, the next resume operation will not start the progarm on the device and it can't be suspended on e2 studio. Please remove or disable the breakpoint which can't be set before using resume operation.
IDE-76034 Loadmodule converter cannot execute copy-obj when converter is invoked without path. Loadmodule Converter Build error occurs and .x file for FAA core is not generated when using CC-RL and FAA Assembler for FAA equipped RL78 devices. ex) renesas_cc_converterrl78-elf-objcopy -j .debug_* -j FAACODE -j FAADATA GreenDSP.x faa_sampleGreenDSP_Core0.x CreateProcess failed (2). To generate .x file, specify command line to execute renesas_cc_converter with its path to post-build steps in Build Steps tab of "C/C++ Build -> Settings" in the project properties. makefile contains command line of renesas_cc_converter. ex) renesas_cc_converter faa_sample.abs faa_sample.x -dsp_section=FAACODE,FAADATA Add the path to the command line above and specify it to "Post-build steps". You can get the path of renesas_cc_converter.exe by going to "Support Folders" tab in "e2 studio Installation Details" opened from "Installation Details" button on "About e2 studio", click link for "e2 studio support area:", and find renesas_cc_converter.exe in \Utilities\ccrl folder. example of command line specified in post-build steps: C:\Users\username\.eclipse\com.renesas.platform_1195273088\Utilities\ccrl\renesas_cc_converter faa_sample.abs faa_sample.x -dsp_section=FAACODE,FAADATA The above workaround will still show a failure, but renesas_cc_converter is executed after that and generates .x file correctly.
IDE-75780 RA6M4 RTOS threads do not correctly Stop/Resume when Suspended. Debug Configuration RA RTOS threads may not correctly show call stacks when stepped after being Paused. Linux only.
IDE-75734 Wrong device and CPU Type when importing CCRX project from rcpc file CCRX Build plugin After importing CS+ project to e2 studio 2024-04, be sure to reconfigure your device settings for Build according to the steps below. Because your project device settings for Build will be empty when importing CS+ project to e2 studio 2024-04. 1. Select your project on the [Project Explorer] view. 2. Select menu [Project] > [Change Device]. 3. The [Refactoring] dialog is appeared. Input your project device to the [Target Device:] textbox and click the [Next >] button 4. Click the [Next >] button again. 5. Uncheck the [Project Files] checkbox and click the [Finish] button. !ChangeDevice.png|thumbnail!
IDE-75533 Failed to connect RISC-V to JLink when Interface - Speed is "Auto"/"Adaptive" Debug Configuration RISC-V When using RISC-V MCU with J-Link, please do not select 'Auto' or 'Adaptive' for the interface speed in the debug configuration. Please strictly use cJTAG interface type only for connection.
IDE-75336 Cannot change value of Register view Register plugin Register displayed as bitfields in the register view (e.g. as "[ C ]") cannot be written in that form. If you wish to change a value from the register view you will need to write the value as Hexadecimal. This will be improved in a future release
IDE-75307 [HotPlug] Suspend is automate disconnect instead of jumping to main GDB server RL78 When using hotplug connection for debugging, please set the option "Set breakpoint at:" enabled on the debug configuration, although the breakpoint will not be set.
IDE-73756 SC GCC RX project does not work with --gc-sections Smart Configurator When using Smart Configurator project with GCC RX toolchain, the --gc-sections setting is unchecked when generating code. If you wish to enable --gc-sections setting, please check this article https://llvm-gcc-renesas.com/wiki/index.php?title=RX_automatic_interrupt_vector_entry_usage to make sure it does not remove interrupt service routines.
IDE-73750 e2Studio debugger needs to be started twice for DA14592 Debugging DA Under certain conditions when using the DA14592 device the debugger has to be started twice after a new compilation. In order to program the eFlash after (re)compilation the debugger has to be started. A pop-up window is showing that the eFlash is erased and programmed, then the GDB debugger is started but does not halt at main(), and keeps running. If the debugger is reset and started again it is possible to control the debugger as normal.
IDE-73531 Connection will fail when the program is large. Debug Launch Debug connection may fail due to time out when downloading a large program. In this case, please reconfigure the time out setting of GDB in [Preferences] dialog. Please follow below steps to reconfigure the time out setting of GDB 1. Select [Window] -> [Preferences] menu in main menu. 2. Select [C/C++] -> [Debug] -> [GDB] node in [Preferences] dialog. 3. Change the value of [Command timeout (ms)] text to more large value. 4. Or uncheck [Command timeout (ms)]
IDE-73440 Building projects on macOS give build message "fcntl(): Bad file descriptor" CDT When building on macOS you may see "fcntl(): Bad file descriptor" appear in the build console. You can avoid these errors by going to "C/C++ Build -> Behavior" in the project properties, selecting "Use custom build arguments" and setting the build arguments to "-r -jN" where "N" is the number of parallel build processes to use. This may however result in false build errors and warnings to show in the problems view & at the end of the build console.
IDE-72790 [RZA3UL] Program is disconnect automatically after resumed GDB Server RZ When debugging, if a variable which can't be accessed on reset is added to Expressions view, the next connection or resume may fail. In this case, please disable the variable on the Exressions view before connection or reset. For example, the variable is located at external memory area and the area is disabled on reset and if the memory access for the disabled area causes an exception in the device, this issue will happen.
IDE-72732 Browser does not open for help manuals on Linux Application The toolchain manual feature accessible from Help->View Installed Toolchains will not open the toolchain manual directory on Linux host OS.
IDE-71647 Cannot read spec file 'nano.specs' ARM GCC Plugins "Use newlib-nano(–specs=nano.specs)" option is not supported for GCC ARM A-Profile (AArch64 bare-metal) toolchain. When "Use newlib-nano(–specs=nano.specs)" option is enabled for GCC ARM A-Profile toolchain and project is built, the following error message is shown in [Console] dialog. aarch64-none-elf-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file 'nano.specs': No such file or directory In this case, disable "Use newlib-nano(–specs=nano.specs)" option by following the steps below. 1. Right-click your project on [Project Explorer] view. 2. Select [C/C++ Project Settings] menu on context menu. 3. Select [Cross ARM CLinker]-> [Miscelllaneous] node on [Tool Settings] tab on [Properties] dialog. 4. Uncheck [Use newlib-nano(–specs=nano.specs)] check box.
IDE-71630 [HotPlug] Cannot debug project hot plug with Segger Jlink GDB Server RA It is not possible to connect to a running device (hot-plug connection) with Segger J-link for RA and DA in e2 studio. This is due to a problem in this area and it will be solved in the near future.
IDE-70912 Error dialog appear when disconnect debug session Multicore Debugging RH850 When a multi-core debugger is connected, an error dialog will be displayed if you execute Disconnect with the top of the debug session tree selected on the Debug view. The disconnection process will be performed normally, so please ignore the error.
IDE-70442 RZ/T2H(CA55) build errors in e2 studio terminal output DDSC/FSP Smart Configurator When using the A-profile AArch64 GCC toolchain the build options presented in the project build settings are available but do not work for this variant of the toolchain. These settings are "Do not use syscalls --specs=nosys.specs" and "Use semihosting (--specs=rdimon.specs)".
IDE-70254 New Reality AI Data Storage tool were not detected DST - Data Storage Tool Could you please add the following workaround? ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Make sure e2studio is updated to 2023-10. 2. Select  [Help]-> [Install New Software...] menu to open the Install dialog. 3. Click [Add...] button to open the Add repositry dialog and Set the "https://tool-support.renesas.com/e2studio/qe/rai-dst/V1.1.0" to the Location. 4. Click [Add] button to close the Add repositry dialog. 5. Click  [Next] button and following the installation on the Install dialog. 6. Restart e2 studio
IDE-69178 J-Link BASE Compact is not displayed in the list to select the serial No. Debug Configuration J-Link Compact will not be displayed in the list of "J-Link Serial" on the debug configuration. Please use it as 'Auto' for the J-Link Compact.
IDE-69167 Unable to build c++ build with RA Platform Installer for e2 studio 2023-10 FSP v5.0.0-beta RA Platform Installer When installing the platform installer for RA on Windows you may experience issues with GCC toolchain compilation if e2 studio is installed in a long path. Examples problems include not being able to find system include header files. The workaround for this issue is to install e2 studio in shorter directory structure. e.g. c:\users\username\appdata\local\programs\renesas\e2_studio\toolchains\gcc_arm\arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.mpacbti-rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi to c:\renesas\e2_studio\toolchains\gcc_arm\arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.mpacbti-rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi
IDE-69091 Download button does not work when multiple sessions are connected Debug Launch When multiple bare-metal debug sessions are connected the Download button may send the program to the wrong connected session.
IDE-68935 Installation for all users and running e2 studio from installer causes support files path problem Application Installation for all users and running e2 studio from installer can cause problems with access to support files and workspace locations. This issue occurs when a local administration user installs e2 studio and runs for the first time. If this user also creates a workspace subsequent different users with lower privileges may experience problems when trying to open that workspace. Depending on installation configuration you may see an error like "Error extracting synergy support files". To avoid this issue subsequent users should create a new workspace.
IDE-68849 When start/stop function is speci Debugging RA When Start/Stop function is specified for RA devices with E2/E2 Lite emulator debugging, the stack frame displayed in Debug View doesn't show the correct information.
IDE-68137 [Eventpoint] External Trigger is invisible with visible tooltip for unsupported states Eventpoints plugin When using the debugger with the eventpoints view in some situation you may notice that the "External Trigger" is invisible, but the tooltip is still shown when hovering over it. This feature is only avaialble when debugging with the E2 emulator.
IDE-66594 Cannot debug RZT2M in Linux RZ FSP Debugging on Linux with RZT_FSP v1.2.0 for RZ/T2M or RZ/T2L is not supported.
IDE-65798 Execution Address Eventpoint for J-Link ARM not working GDB Server RA When debugging ARM devices with J-Link, execution address event on Eventpoint view is not supported.
IDE-62641 PC doesn't stop at the reset vector on reset for RZ. Debugging RZ When debugging RZ devices, PC will not stop at an address of reset vector on reset. Program will run in a short time after reset, and then, the program will be halted. If the program is built for RAM debugging (without using boot loader), the program will not run after reset correctly. In this case, please re-download the program (please don't forget to set "Reset after reload" option to 'No' on Debug Configuration) after reset, or disconnect the debugging and re-connect.
IDE-61037 Build error occurs when adding new Build Configuration CCRH Build plugin All toolchain projects: Build error occurs when executing Build with a new Build configuration you added. At that case, please specify the toolchain and device to your project. After opening the project, this can be achieved via the Project Explorer, project context menu. On this menu access the "Renesas C/C++ Project Settings" and use the "Change Device" and "Change Toolchain Version" features.
IDE-59574 Breakpoint's Ignore count does not work with RL78 GDB server RL78 In case of using RL78, hardware breakpoint is realized by execution address after PC. This will cause several issues: - Temporary hardware breakpoint will not be removed after the breakpoint is hit. Therefore, the breakpoint will always hit. Please remove the temporary breakpoint manually after the breakpoint hits. - Ignore count of the breakpoint does not work. - In case of RL78/G10 (or RL78 devices which flash programming is disabled), software breakpoint is not supported. Therefore, temporary hardware breakpoint will be used for the cases: * Stepping over * Stepping return * Run to line * "Set breakpoint at" is specified in the debug configuration * etc When using these operations, if breakpoints are used in the debugging program, the operation will fail. Please release 1 or more breakpoint before the operation. And please invoke GDB command 'delete breakpoints' in Debugger Console view to remove the breakpoint after the program is suspended by "Set breakpoint at main". If the breakpoint is kept as it is, it will always hit and the next operation such as stepping return or stepping over may fail because no breakpoints can be used for the operation.
IDE-59440 Disconnection of RA board allowing the user code to execute does not work when using semihosting - documentation support GDB server Disconnect an RA board with the "Continue" option (allowing the user code to execute after disconnecting from JLink) does not work when using semihosting. To work around this make sure you have conditional code for when the debugger is not connected, e.g. semihosting_printf( ... ) { if (CoreDebug->DHCSR & CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN_Msk) { printf( ... ); } } #if semihosting #SAFE_PRINTF( ... )   semihosting_printf( ... ) #else   #SAFE_PRINTF( ... )   printf( ... ) #endif Additionally, the use of an updated hard-fault handler to catch this situation would also help.
IDE-59377 [Debug Configuration] OCDID's value odd placed Debug Configuration RH850 When opening the debug configuration for E2 (RH850) or IE850A (RH850), the value of OCD ID may be displayed on the invalid location. In this case, please expand 'Flash' node on Connection Settings.
IDE-59342 Chart work incorrectly when set Monitor Points Consumption Current View Current Consumption View Workaround: If user using monitor point with Current Consumption, Chart will be displayed normally when the user press and hold the mouse on the horizontal scroll of the range of time.
IDE-58871 The value for the register msplim and psplim is displayed as 0. GDB Server RA The register value for msplim and psplim will be displayed as 0 in Registers View, when using Cortex-M devices which support TrustZone via E2/E2LITE emulator. Please refer to the value value of msplim_s/msplim_ns or psplim_s/psplim_ns insterd.
IDE-58693 Emulator selection doesn't list the connected emulators on Linux. Debug Configuration Debug configuration for E2 or E2LITE emulator will have the selection of serial No. of the emulator and it can be selected from the list of emulators which are connected to the PC. But this feature will work only on Windows. In case of Linux, please connect only 1 emulator to the PC to use the emulator with e2 studio.
IDE-57553 Cannot set Trace Start/Stop - Error: Event channel is Empty or not an unsigned integer Eventpoints plugin Currently support for the Trace Start\Stop feature when using the JLink emulator is not functioning for ARMv8-A based cores.
IDE-56544 Unable to view HTML pages in snap version of Firefox installed by default on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Application When using e2 studio or RASC with Ubuntu 22.04 documents that are opened from the application in an external web browser cannot be viewed. This appears to be a bug in Ubuntu. In Ubuntu 22.04, the sandboxed "Snap" version of Firefox is installed by default. However the default sandbox permissions for this version of Firefox are broken for fresh Ubuntu 22.04 installations and it cannot access any files on the local file system. This is reported and documented in the Ubuntu bug tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1972762 All applications that require the system web browser are affected
IDE-56429 [Linux] Firmware version does not display on console - RA + E2 Debugging RA For Linux environment with E2/E2LITE emulator, the version number of shared object will not be displayed in console while connection.
IDE-54828 Can not modify the value of IO register on DSP core RX6Z4 Multicore Debugging GreenDSP When selecting the DSP core on Debug view, modifying the value of IO register on the IO Registers view will not take effective. Workaround: Select CPU on Debug view and modify the DSP IO register correspondingly
IDE-54671 CCRH - Step over performs incorrectly Debugging RH850 Stepping code can jump to address without code if compiler CCRH compiles the code that contains floating point numbers.
IDE-54153 Include appropriate GCC/LLVM/Libgen (newlib) ver. to fix BadAlloc vulnerability issue Application To fix BadAlloc Vulnerability issue reported on the newlib in "Japan Vulnerability Notes", need to update GCC/libgen version for Arm to the fixed version including newlib V4 or later. Could you please consider the updates in coming 2022-10 version? If GCC Arm Embedded is used for Renesas Arm (RA, Synergy, RZ, RE and R-Car), use or install: GCC ARM Embedded Toolchains v1.2022.05 or later which has newlib 4.1.0 or later. Libgen Update for GCC ARM Embedded Toolchains v1.2022.05 or later. [Download Toolchains | Open Source Tools for Renesas (llvm-gcc-renesas.com)|https://llvm-gcc-renesas.com/rz/rz-download-toolchains/]
IDE-53284 Step return is disabled with ASM source on CCRH project Debugging RH850 It is not possible to perform a step return operation when using the CC-RH toolchain while debugging assembly source.
IDE-52364 Data flash on NSECSD state can't be read and erased when debugging with J-Link ARM GDB Server RA When debugging with J-Link ARM at NSECSD state, data flash can't be erased and first byte of data flash can't be read.
IDE-51147 Visual Expression does not recognize char variables Visual Expressions plugin In Visual Expression view, char / unsigned char variables are not recognized and shown as "Incompatible expression value" Workaround: Cast can be workaround such as (int)var instead of var.
IDE-50708 Address of main.c is not displayed with debugging Debugging RL The addresses for source lines may not be shown when debugging for projects imported from CS+. To avoid this ensure the project is imported using the same name as its directory.
IDE-50269 Disassembly in Trace view is not displayed if RXv3 instruction is included. GDB server RX When using J-Link RX with RXv3 core devices, Trace view can't show the disassembly for the area from the branch destination to the next branch source if RXv3 instruction is included in the area.
IDE-48621 Workbench plugins cause unsigned software warning error on install IAR plugins When installing the IAR eclipse plugins into e2 studio for IAR EWSYN, the installation process can generate a warning about unsigned software being installed. This is normal behavior for the IAR plugins and the warning can be disregarded.
IDE-48166 Download failed for EK-RA6M4 using J-Link (FSP 3.3 - J-Link v7.50a) Debugging RA When using J-Link (OB) with RA devices, if the firmware for J-Link is updated, download by e2 studio + FSP 3.3.0 may fail and connection can't be established. In this case, please update FSP to 3.5.0 or later, or download J-Link Software 7.56b and copy the JLinkARM.DLL (from the Segger JLink installation folder) to {e2 studio support area}\DebugComp\RA\ARM\Segger_v7.50.1 folder (before copying the file, please rename the original file). Please refer to https://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/19891761 for {e2 studio support area}.
IDE-47191 Build Error Sometimes Overlaps Code Line - Display Resolution Eclipse Platform In certain situations the errors that are displayed after a build will overlap the source line in the editor window. If this occurs scrolling the editor view up or down seems to resolve this. If this becomes a common occurrence it is possible to stop this happening by switching off the code mining option. This is available in the Window->Preferences page. In the section General->Editors->Text Editors. The option to switch off is named Show code minings for problem annotations. Change this setting to None.
IDE-46896 Project imported from Windows build fail in Linux ARM GCC Plugins If copying a project with it's build output directory been Windows & Linux, or moving it to a new location, you need to do a clean and rebuild to avoid build errors. If storing a project under version control avoid including the build output directories. At a minimum exclude the *.d files which may contain system specific paths.
IDE-46110 DPFPU registers always show 0 for J-Link (RX). GDB server RX Some RX devices such as RX72M supports double precision FPU registers. But when debugging it with J-Link, the registers is displayed as 0 in Registers View and writing a value to the register will be ignored.
IDE-45156 Property not selected from constraint if Properties View is not initialised DDSC/FSP Smart Configurator If a property from the constraint link in a module tooltip is selected before the Properties view is initialised the property is not selected in the Properties view This only occurs after the FSP Configuration has first been opened and no module has been selected A workaround is to select a module in the Stacks view before selecting a link from one of the module tooltips so that the Properties view is initialised
IDE-43454 Cannot run Linux installer as root Installer The Linux installer for e2 studio cannot be run as root by default, including using "sudo". If you wish to run it as root then you need to add "--appimage-extract-and-run" as the 1st argument. e.g. "sudo ./e2studio_installer-2021-07.AppImage --appimage-extract-and-run"
IDE-43082 Handle anonymous union DIEs without DW_AT_location Loadmodule Converter When doing the debugging with the project contains anonymous union variable in source code, some debugging features become unavailable, such as: - Source line address may not be shown in Code Editor - Cannot set breakpoint in Code Editor (can do this at Disassembly view) - Can only watch global variables in Expression view
IDE-39932 [PartnerOS] Supports debugging of Renesas ITRON OS by PartnerOS plug-in. Partner OS plugin The Renesas ITRON debug views are not supported from e2 studio 2020-04 and later, if you require this functionality please use e2 studio 7.8.0.
IDE-39478 Optimization Assistant - Measuring execution time does not finish Optimization assistant Using Optimization Assistant Time measurement with GCC RX may cause the measurement unable to finish. The end address of function build from GCC RX may be different with the one in Disassembly view so Optimization Assistant cannot reach the end of function. If the measurement is too long to finish or unable to finish, just press "Cancel" to stop measurement.
IDE-38032 IAR RH850 setting breakpoints doesn't work Debugging RH850 If you are debugging RH850 with the E2 emulator with an IAR project you must ensure that the IAR RH850 plugins are also installed. Otherwise it is not possible to set breakpoints.
IDE-33473 Watch point doesn't work on ARM V8M Devices(RA2A1,PEAKS,STAR) with J-Link Debugging RA When using the J-Link debugger for ARM V8M devices (Synergy S1JA,RA2A1,.etc) When setting Watch points, if the [Compare Setting] option is not being used then please set the [Data Access Setting]/[Size] to "Byte". Other settings will cause the break event to be missed or unexpected break events to happen.
IDE-27850 CoreSight ITM: trace table disappear suddenly Trace - CoreSight Plugin When the content of the trace data is changed, the user is asked to refresh the updated data. After the update, the trace data editor is closed. The user needs to open the editor again to see the updated trace data.

Closed Issues in e2 studio 2024-04

Key Summary Component Description
IDE-75248 [Linux] Browser dialog can not display text Smart Browser The documentation of teams and conditions may not be displayed in a Linux environment. The contents of the teams and conditions can be found at the following URL. https://tool-support.renesas.com/autoupdate/support/terms_conditions/L_471/terms_and_conditions_of_use.html If you agree this license, push "Accept and download" button and proceed. If not, push "Decline" button.
IDE-75186 monitor set_io_access_width commands NOT send for RISC-V Debug Launch When using RISC-V MCU, the value of IO registers may be incorrect. In this case, please use "monitor set_io_access_width" command to specify the access width for the regester in Debugger Console view. To specify 4-byte width access for 0x400408C4, please specify like below: monitor set_io_access_width,RW,4,0x400408C4
IDE-75142 EOPRn and EOSRn cannot be set value 1 at the same time Smart Configurator In R_Config_PORT_Set_Output_Level() function, only set EORRn or EOSRn to 1. As a workaound, please clear EORRn to 0 before set EOSRn to 1, and clear EOSRn to 0 before set EORRn to1.
IDE-74949 Variables with initial values cannot be placed in internal SRAM (ECC) in LLVM RISC-V Device Support RISC-V It cannot be placed the variables with initial values in the On-chip SRAM(ECC). [Work around] Modify the following files. - start.s - vects.c - linker_script.ld The changes in each file are shown below. start.s : Add the following lines after "# Init the data segment" process. --------------------------------------- # Init the data segment for ECC la a0, __dataeccramstart la a1, __romdataeccramstart la a2, __romdataeccramcopysize call memcpy --------------------------------------- .vects.c Change the following lines in the initialize_vect(void) function. --- before -------------------- asm( "li t0, 0x182" ); asm( "csrw mtvec, t0" ); // Set mtvec. : asm( "li t0, 0x80" ); asm( "csrw mtvt, t0" ); // Set mtvt. ------------------------------- --- after -------------------- asm( "li t0, 0x1C2" ); asm( "csrw mtvec, t0" ); // Set mtvec. : asm( "li t0, 0xC0" ); asm( "csrw mtvt, t0" ); // Set mtvt. ------------------------------- linker_script.ld : Replace the .data_eccram section to following lines. --------------------------------------------- .data_eccram : AT(LOADADDR(.data)+(__edata - __data)) { PROVIDE( _mdata_eccram = LOADADDR(.data_eccram) ); . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE (__dataeccramstart = .); __data_eccram = .; *(.data_eccram) *(.data_eccram.*) . = ALIGN(4); __edata_eccram = .; } >ECCRAM PROVIDE(__romdataeccramstart = LOADADDR(.data_eccram)); PROVIDE (__romdataeccramcopysize = SIZEOF(.data_eccram)); ---------------------------------------------
IDE-74826 Incorrect ALIGN in the linker script file of RISC-V MCU Device Support RISC-V In the RISC-V MCU linker script, there was a part where the alignment definition was 2 bytes.
IDE-74825 Incorrect heap area setting in linker script for LLVM RISC-V MCU Device Support RISC-V The heap is located wrong place with LLVM RISC-V MCU. The overflow detection may not work. Please move the following line from .bss_eccram section end = .; to .bss section in the linker script file of LLVM RISC-V MCU .bss : { PROVIDE(__bssstart = .); : __ebss = .; end = .; <---- move here } >RAM AT>RAM PROVIDE(__bsssize = SIZEOF(.bss));
IDE-74396 Incorrect stack area setting in linker script file for LLVM Device Support RISC-V The following areas are not used because the initial value of the stack pointer in the generated RISC-V MCU project is incorrect. From 0x20006F00 to 0x20006FFF Please change the line 174 of the linker script file(linker_script.ld) as follows. .stack 0x20006FFC (NOLOAD) : AT(0x20006FFC)
IDE-73644 monitor set_alternate_address commands failed for RISC-V Debug Launch When debugging RA or RISC-V MCU, an error may be displayed on the console that "monitor set_alternate_address" is too long. This error can be ignored.
IDE-73251 Install failure Renesas Realilty AI with RL78 or RX only DST - Data Storage Tool In 2024-01 when only installing the RX or RL device family in the installer, if also selecting the Reality AI components it will cause the installation to fail. If you select all the device families for installation, then this error does not occur in 2024-01.
IDE-73000 Realtime refresh does not work when debugging RISC-V project GDB Server RISC-V When debugging RISC-V MCU, if memory read is performed while the program is running, the program execution will be suspended temporarily by the memory read. In case of using J-Link, to prevent program execution from being suspended, please refrain from updating the views while the program is running or enabling real-time refresh. In case of using E2/E2LITE, memory updates are disabled and the values cannot be changed while the program is running.
IDE-72992 E2 (RISC-V) - Use flash breakpoint option is always disable without starting debugging Debug Configuration RISC-V The debug configuration item "Use Flash Breakpoints" on the "E2 Lite (RISC-V)" and "E2 (RISC-V)" doesn' work correctly. To use a software breakpoint feature, please change "Allow caching of flash contents" and "Debug the program re-writing the on-chip data flash" to 'No' and please add "-uFlashBp= 1" at "Additional GDB Server Arguments" on "GDB Settings" on Debug configuration.
IDE-72927 EWARM RASC "--generate" re-triggers FSP support file installation FSP Pack Manager When using the FSP Smart Configurator for RA and RZ it is possible to trigger the “Changes in the CMSIS Packs folder have been detected” message. When this happens pressing Yes or No makes no difference to the system as the reload message is being triggered incorrectly. In e2 studio 2024-01 this can be seen frequently when you have 2 e2 studio instances running.
IDE-72561 Support for documents other than PDF/ZIP Smart Browser Some of the Dialog devices' Application Notes are in HTML format. Smart Browser does not support non-PDF documents. The Smart Browser cannot show these Application Notes in HTML format.
IDE-72162 Smart Manual cannot be updated. Smart Manual Discovery There are problems with version comparisons and the Smart Manual may not be updated. Remove Smart Manual database folder and the latest Smart Manual will be installed. Smart Manual database folder exists under the "e2 studio download area:".
IDE-71831 [Linux] CoreSight ITM: An error is shown when enable Live trace console GDB Server RA Enabling Live trace console on Linux Host OS can show an error dialog and not work successfully. Error message "SWV Socket cannot be created so SWV Traces cannot be retrieved" is shown.
IDE-70259 Symbol load doesn't finish for .x file with FAA for SC project Loadmodule Converter RL78/G24 FAA project may hang when starting debugging, at step: "Reading symbols from ...\\.x..." When this problem occurs, please wait for connection timeout or terminate rl78-elf-gdb.exe sub task of e2studio.exe via Window Task Manager. This problem happens with FAA source code only, when there are 64 or multiples of 64 non code lines (empty line, comment line, etc.) between instruction code line and the next instruction code line. For example, problem happens if there are 128 lines comment between instruction code lines. A workaround is to add one comment line to that comment then rebuild project and try to start debugging again.
IDE-69794 Treat cluster type for RX - Searching Smart Manual plugin For some RX devices, there is a cluster register type that has the following format: Module.Cluster.Register. Cannot search registers and bits of this register type . For example : CANFD.RFBn.HFO CANFD.RFBn.HFO.BIT.IDE
IDE-68884 Trigger type notification is displayed for Timer event setting of RX. Eventpoints plugin When debugging for the RX device family and using the E2 emulator. When using eventpoints the warning icon "Trigger type is assigned to another eventpoint group" is displayed for a Timer start event, even if no event is set. This is misleading - please ignore this error.
IDE-66849 Support RX26T with J-Link Device Support RX The Segger J-link support in e2 studio currently support Segger RX26T(R5F526T9, R5F526TB, R5F526TF). It does not support RX26T(R5F526T8, R5F526TA) When you use by FINE connection, please mask the part where the value is set in the OFS1 register in the source program with 0xfeffffff. When you use by JTAG connection, you need not mask of OFS1.